
Prince Harry, Cruise and Depp: stars no one wanted to meet in their youth

Today, almost every man dreams of being like them, because many of these stars are recognized sex symbols. However, in their youth, the artists on our list not only had no success with girls, but were also bullied among their peers. We have collected the top star men who “wiped their noses” with offenders and today can count on the attention of any woman in the world.

Johnny Depp

It’s hard to believe, but in his youth and even before the first movie castings, Johnny was not very attracted to girls. As the actor himself said, he and his family often moved, and therefore he had to change schools often, which did not allow him to make permanent friends. In addition, his classmates did not like the unusual appearance of the teenager Depp. “Not a single girl wanted to date me,” recalls the actor.

Johnny Depp

Johnny DeppSebastian Gabsch/

Tom Cruise

Tom's story is somewhat reminiscent of Depp – the guy also often changed schools, which is why he was always like a new kid. It is worth noting that during his school years the future artist looked rather mediocre. Cruz spoke with a strong accent, wore old shoes and had an overbite, which did not give him charm in the eyes of girls. By the way, the actor took up his appearance years after he gained fame, but today Tom can boast of a truly Hollywood smile and impeccable style. It goes without saying how women’s attitude towards such a handsome man has changed.

Tom Cruise

Tom CruiseChristopher Khoury/


The legend of the rap world suffered from severe bullying in high school in his youth. Classmates not only called the musician names, but even led to serious beatings and subsequent psychological pressure. The artist also did not stay in one school for long due to his family’s constant moves. Eminem later recalled: “Perhaps my abusers had more girls, but I knew for sure that they could not do what I could.” We are talking about musical talent, which the future artist began to develop precisely at that difficult time for him.


EminemJohn Barrett/

Prince Harry

But the boy from the family of British monarchs got it precisely because of his appearance. Harry was teased for his red hair and awkward appearance. Harry was not particularly popular among girls in his youth, despite his origin. However, after graduation, the prince went on a rampage – news about the scandalous parties of the heir to the British crown spread throughout the world.

Prince Harry

Prince HarryDarryl Dyck/